FlipScreen Owner’s Manual
Security Information
Protecting your privacy and information is a priority of Icebox, LLC. We
have taken careful measures to secure both our information and our physi-
cal premises. We exercise great care in providing secure transmissions of
your personal information from your unit to our servers. Our server soft-
ware encrypts information, which is intended to ensure that all Icebox, LLC
transactions remain private (unless sent by an unsecured means, such as
Email). We also make use of firewalls and secure socket layers where
Please contact your own Internet Service Provider for information on their
privacy policies. Icebox, LLC is not responsible for the policies of private
Internet service providers.
Notwithstanding our use of technology to provide appropriate security, in
this time of rapidly changing technology, any responsible Internet-related
business must recognize and acknowledge that there are individuals and
businesses that may attempt to use unethical or illegal means to access
information or disrupt communications.
Therefore, we must advise you that no security system is perfect and that
your use of the iCEBOX product constitutes a waiver of any claim against
Icebox, LLC for direct, consequential, and all other damages arising from
the unauthorized access, use, or disclosure of information maintained on
our systems, unless such damages are due to our intentional wrongdoing
or gross negligence.