Owner’s Manual
The Electro-Voice LPA500 is a broadband di
rectional log periodic antenna. It is optimized for
reception of frequencies from 450 to 900 MHz.
The gain of this antenna enables it to receive
signals from a greater distance than a typical
“whip” type antenna.
The LPA500 should be placed in a position that
has a clear, unobstructed path to the transmitter.
Obstructions to the signal such as walls, ceilings
and metal objects will reduce range and perfor
Generally speaking, placing the LPA500 at an
elevated location will yield the best performance
over the largest area.
Antenna Mounting
The LPA500 is supplied with a variety of
mounting hardware to make installation easy. It
should always be mounted vertically with the
arrow pointing towards the transmitters(s). See
Figure 1. when oriented correctly, the LPA500
will appear as a thin piece of metal when
viewed from the transmitter’s position.
For best results, do not clamp the LPA500 to
horizontal metal objects that extend past the
clamp (see Figure 5). Metal rods or other objects
that block part of the large face of the antenna
will detune it and cause loss of performance.
Log periodic antennas are very directional and
will have the best reception when pointed at the
transmitter. This design also means less interfer
ence from unwanted signals coming from the
back or side of the antenna.
Gain..................................................................................................................................4.6 dBd
1/2 Power Beam Width ........................................................................................................120°
Front-to-Back Ratio ..........................................................................................................19.4dB
Input Impedance ................................................................................................................50 ohm
Input Connector ....................................................................................................................TNC
Figure 1
Antenna Mounting
LPA500 UHF Log Periodic Antenna