LG Electronics 20/23LS7DC Car Satellite TV System User Manual

Use the
button to select desired menu options.
Use the
button to adjust the menu option settings.
Set item to act TV with standalone.
Installation Menu (V1.0)
Public Display Settings
TV Link-Loader
Password Change
Set ID setup
Public Display Settings
Public Display Mode No
Start Channel No
Ch. Type DTV
Major 12
Minor 2
Minimum Volume 0
Maximum Volume 100
Start Volume No
Level 15
Power Management No
Setting 7
Key Management 0
Factory Reset 0
Aspect Ratio 0
0011.. PPuubblliicc DDiissppllaayy MMooddee
If ‘Public Display Mode is set to Yes (Enabled), all functions of Public Display
Settings are active. If ‘Public Display Mode is set to No (Disabled), all functions
of Public Display mode are not active.
0022.. SSttaarrtt CChhaannnneell
This function allows you to determine the initial channel number when the TV
is turned On. This feature is useful for an in-house information channel, since
the TV would always select that channel when it is turned On. Setting this to
255 causes the last channel viewed when the TV was turned Off, to be the
tuned to channel when the TV is turned On again.
0033.. MMiinniimmuumm VVoolluummee
This function determines the minimum volume level allowable with the VOLUME
(VOL) Up/Down control. In this way, for example, someone cannot set the vol-
ume too low to hear. The value range is from 0 to 63 — change values with ADJ
Left/Right arrow. The factory default is 0, which provides the full range of vol-
ume control, if item 009 MAX VOLUME is also set to 63. It may be best to set
the same value on every TV.
NOTE: The minimum volume level cannot have a value setting higher than the
MAX VOLUME level (described below).
0044.. MMaaxxiimmuumm VVoolluummee
This function determines the maximum volume level allowable with the VOL-
UME (VOL) Up/Down controls. In this way, for example, someone can not set
the volume level high enough to disturb others. The value range is 0 to 63, with
63 as the default, which gives the user the full range of volume control, if item
008 MIN VOLUME is also set at 0. Change values with ADJ Left/Right arrow
keys. It may be best to set the same value on every TV.
NOTE: The maximum volume level cannot have a value setting lower than the
MIN VOLUME level (described previously).
Public Display Mode Menu Items