User Guide
Thank you for purchasing nu•m8; the world‟s first location device specifically designed to be worn
by children.
It is my hope that nu•m8 will make parents feel more comfortable in allowing their children to play
un-supervised, so that “kids can be kids” and enjoy the benefits of being free to interact with their
peers through unstructured play.
I know, like you, that the social environment in which our children are growing up can, at times, be
perilous and therefore we all want to make sure our children are safe and free from harm.
nu•m8 does not make the environment safer but will allow you to know where your children are,
control the areas in which they play and be the first to know if they are at risk.
Please read this simple user guide carefully to get the best out of your nu•m8 and remember it is
an aid to parental care and control; it must not be regarded as a substitute.
As a parent myself, it was the urge to keep my children safe, whilst letting them enjoy the freedom
of childhood that I enjoyed that spurred the development of nu•m8.
I know that it will live up to your expectations but if there are any suggestions that you think would
be sensible to incorporate I will give them my full attention. I can be contacted at
Chief Executive