hilips Protected Metal
Halide “O” Rated Lamps
Ideal for manufacturing
acilities, retail establishments
and warehouses
“O” rated for safe
operation in open fixtures
Philips Protected Metal Halide “O” Rated Lamps
Protective quartz shroud provides extra level of safety
• Shrouded arc tube for "O" open fixture rating
No shut-off required
• Ideal for 24-hour a day, 7-day a week operations
(relamp fixtures at or before the end of rated life)
Extended eyelet mogul base will operate in both
standard and exclusionary sockets
Satisfies the 2005 NEC for use in open luminaires
* Relampfixturesat orbeforeend ofrated average life.
†The 2005NECstates thatluminaires thatusea metalhalidelamp shallbeprovidedwith eitheracontainment
barrierthat enclosesthe lamp(historicallyreferredto asanenclosed luminaire)orshall beprovidedwith a
means,typicallya speciallampholder,thatwill onlyacceptANSIType-O metalhalide lamp.(Exception—this
requirementwill notapplyto openluminaires withthick-glass parabolic reflectorPARlamps.) Formore
information regardinguse ofType-O,S,andEmetalhalide systems,pleaserefer totheNEMA whitepaper
onthis subjectthatis freelyavailableat www.nema.org
ShroudedArcTube for
“O” Open Fixture Rating
Extended Eyelet Mogul (EEM) Base
(EX39 Exclusionary Mogul)