For more information, please refer to the ResScan Installation and Clinical User Guide.
Access ResScan from anywhere via a secure connection: ResScan now offers you
the benefits of a multi-user system while only maintaining a single server installation.
ResScan™ 4.2
Patient ManageMent SySteM
ResScan Remote Desktop Services (RDS)
There is an increasing demand for IT teams in healthcare
organisations to provide greater data security, scalability
and control. These can support a broader, diverse range of
applications, while helping to reduce IT costs.
To address these needs, ResScan version 4.2 and onwards,
offers the optional capability of the Remote Desktop Services
(RDS) configuration, running ResScan from a centralised server.
As ResScan can access patient data from a centralised
repository, this helps organisations meet increasing data
security requirements. Centralised server deployment via RDS
also helps simplify the IT installation and maintenance process.
ResScan 4.2 Remote Desktop Services is supported by
Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2
operating systems.
Better access
• Greater controls over user access in a networked environment
Less maintenance
• Reduce IT time and effort
• Reduce IT costs
• Increase scalability of the ResScan application
Improved security
• Enhanced data security
Corporate IT’s Secure Gateway
Single Installation of ResScan on Server
Access over
corporate network
via RDS
Secure access via
internet through RDS
Network Access
Network Access Network Access
Network Access
Remote Access
Multi-user platform configuration fact sheet