Amplifiers & Preamplifiers
To enhance the ease of installation and obtain optimum performance from the PA1235, we recommend that
you first become familiar with all its features and special capabilities by studying the descriptions and
instructions in this manual.
The PA1235 was designed to meet the audio power amplifier needs of custom installed multi-room, multi-
zoned systems with high sonic quality. Common and Local IR control of Volume, Mute, Balance and OFF,
for each channel pair, is provided. It's bridgeable 12-11-10-9-8-7-6 multichannel capability permits a wide
variety of uses, such as enough channels to run surround sound home theater and multi-room applications
simultaneously. Specific features and technology are as follows:
• Cost/Size Efficiency. The PA1235 features 12 conservatively rated 35-watt power amplifiers. This
permits each PA1235 to drive 6-zones in a multi-zone system, each with a 35 watts/channel stereo
amplifier per zone. The rack mountable low profile design, using a large single multiple filtered power
supply, delivers high quality at a reasonable price.
• IR Controlled Volume Level. Volume can be ramped from zero output to maximum for individual
channel pairs, or, as group through the Common Bus inputs, using IR volume control commands from
an RC68+ (or RC68). The maximum input sensitivity at full volume is 0.15 volts for rated output (35
• Local or Common Bus. Each stereo pair can be fed audio individually via their LOCAL inputs from
differing zones or sources. In addition, a single source can be fed, via the COMMON Bus, to some or
all stereo pairs as desired. This flexibility permits the installer to drive as many as six rooms in stereo
as a single zone system, or six rooms in stereo as a six zone system --- or divide them up for a
combination of both.
• Volume Setting Capabilities. The installer has the option of using the volume control of the PA1235
as the sole volume control for a zone or the system, or to adjust the PA1235 volume to a desired fixed
level and use the volume action of a connected preamp instead.
• Max-V Setting. This allows the amplifier to be set to deliver a controlled maximum sound level into a
zone when the volume is ramped to maximum. This acts as a volume limiter for the system (e.g. to
prevent the kids from over-driving wall speakers, etc.).
Fig. 1 The Model PA1235