I have a lanzar SNV695N and i started my truck the other day and now it wont ecen turn on

Asked by robbie on 04/23/2015 2  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 9 years, 8 months ago

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0 Try the reset button. If that doesn't work, the fuse on the yellow wire in the back of the radio may have blown. If it has, replace it with at least a 10 amp fuse or it will continue to blow.
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0 Try the reset button. If that doesn't work, the fuse on the yellow wire in the back of the radio may have blown. If it has, replace it with at least a 10 amp fuse or it will continue to blow.
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0 Try the reset button. If that doesn't work, the fuse on the yellow wire in the back of the radio may have blown. If it has, replace it with at least a 10 amp fuse or it will continue to blow.
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