
Mb (Megabit) - One million bits.
Mbps (Megabits per second)
- A data transmission speed of one
million bits per second. Data transmissions are measured in bits
(kilobits, megabits etc) per second.
MB (Megabyte)
- 1,048,576 bytes (binary); 1,000,000 bytes (deci-
Operating System (OS)
- Software that controls the assignment and
use of hardware and software resources.
Peripheral - A generic term for hard drives, printers, scanners and
other discrete devices that add functionality to a computer.
Port - A connection which enables compatible peripherals to send
and receive data.
Software - A set of instructions that enable a computer to perform
pre-programmed functions in the order specified by the user.
Storage - Any equipment which stores data, such as hard drives,
CDs, and DVDs.
FireWire (IEEE 1394x) - A serial bus interface standard offering
high-speed communications and real-time data services. Cable length
is limited to 4.5 m, but up to 16 cables can be daisy-chained, yield
ing a total length of 72 m. It allows the connection of up to 63
peripherals in a tree-like structure. It allows peer-to-peer device com
munication to take place without using system memory or the CPU.
It is designed to support plug-and-play and hot swapping.
Gigabyte - 1,024 megabytes (binary); 1,000 megabytes (decimal),
or approximately one billion bytes.
Hardware - Physical components of a computer system (computer,
hard drives, printers, etc.)
Hub - A device which links peripherals together onto the same data
Interface - Junction between two items of hardware or software for
the exchange of data.
Isochronous - A form of data transmission that guarantees a cer-
tain minimum data rate, as required for time-dependent data such as
video or audio.