
Section 6 - Accessories for your CCD Camera
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the screen, and use an exposure longer than 1/30th of a second to avoid the video refresh rate
of your monitor. Darken the room, and use a brighter background than is visually optimum.
For the best quality hard copy, save the files in TIFF format and send a copy of the file on a
disk to a photo lab which offers printing of digital images. The Windows version of CCDOPS
allows for printing of the images, and there are a number of third party software programs for
the PC such as Pizzaz Plus which will capture and print the display on your computer screen.
These programs, however, do not produce very detailed prints and are useful only to a very
limited degree. Recently, photo quality color desktop printers have become commonplace.
Many of these printers will do a reasonable job with commercial image processing programs
such as Adobe Photoshop.
6.8. SBIG Technical Support
If you have any unanswered questions about the operation of your CCD camera system or
have suggestions on how to improve it please don't fail to contact us. We appreciate all your
comments and suggestions. Additionally if you are interested in writing software supporting
SBIG cameras, we offer technical support regarding our file formats found in Appendix B, and
Technical Notes regarding the camera command protocol which we will make available upon