AMX Wireless Touch Panels (Wave Server) Car Video System User Manual

ii Table of Contents AXB-PT30 PosiTrack 30 Camera Controller
Designing Touch Panel Pages................................................. 19
Overview 19
Activating the Edit button 19
Creating a Page 23
Adding a page 23
Setting the page color 24
Creating a Button 25
Adding a button 25
Resizing a button 26
Button Properties 27
Setting the button properties 27
Setting the button type 28
Setting the button border 28
Setting the channel code 29
Setting the variable text code 30
Setting the page flip 31
Setting the button colors for channel-off
Adding text to a button 33
Adding an icon to a button 34
Adding a bitmap to a button 35
Using TPDesign3 to Download Bitmaps, Icons,
and Fonts
Button Properties for External Pushbuttons 39
Creating an IR Macro Button 39
Pulse command 40
Wait command 41
What happens when the example macro
Creating a Joystick 44
Adding a joystick to a page 44
Setting the joystick properties 45
Setting the channel code 46
Setting the level code 47
Setting the joystick colors/shades for
channel-off conditions
Creating a Bargraph 48
Adding a bargraph to a page 49
Setting the bargraph properties 50
Setting the channel code 50
Setting the level code 51