Input Connections
Microphone Connections
These inputs are for two low-impedance balanced dynamic microphones.
Connect cable shield to center screw marked "GND."
The AUX inputs provide unbalanced RCA inputs for connection to
external signal-level equipment.
AUX Muting
For this function, a customer-supplied, normally-open contact closure
(switch) must be connected to the AUX 2 MUTE terminals. When the
contacts are closed, the AUX 2 input will be muted.Typically activated by
a switch in a push-to-talk style microphone. AUX 1, if selected, is not
mutable by contact closure.
Connect the telephone line to the two outside terminals and the shield,
if used, to the center terminal. TEL input signal will trigger automatic
muting of AUX 1 and AUX 2. Input impedance is 600-ohm and is trans-
former balanced. Input is for "Dry" audio signals only, no DC voltage on
the signal.
Output Connections
Speakers, General
The amplifier may be used with most conventional speaker sys-
tems. Connect one speaker lead to the screw terminal that cor-
responds to the impedance of the type of speakers used in the
system and the other lead to the COM terminal. If the line is
shielded, connect the shield to GND.
Connecting the GND to the COM terminal when using the trans-
former-coupled outputs references the transformer output to
ground. Disconnecting the GND terminal from COM allows the
transformer output to float electrically. This is sometimes useful
under certain conditions where a ground connection is undesir-
able. It is generally a good idea to short the GND to the COM
terminal regardless of output type (Trans or Direct).
Speakers, Low-Impedance
To connect a 4-ohm speaker, remove the the 4-ohm link and
connect the speaker between 4-ohm and GND.
Tape/Booster Connection
To tape record the amplifier program, connect a patch cord from the
TAPE/BOOSTER output jack to the input of a tape recorder. Can also be
connected to the input of a booster amplifier.
WMT1A Connection
This output jack is directly connected to the 25V speaker tap and permits
the connection of Bogen’s general-purpose matching transformer
(WMT1A).The WMT1A steps the signal down by a 5:1 ratio, giving you
a 600-ohm balanced signal that can drive long cable runs.