Classe Audio CA-M600 Car Amplifier User Manual

8. Install the front panel (CT-M600 only).
Once all connections have been made and the amplier is veried to be
working correctly, remove the front panel from its packing and rmly press
it into place.
NOTE: If the CT-M600 is NOT installed in an equipment rack, the
front panel should be secured to the chassis using the supplied security
tabs. ese will prevent the faceplate from unexpectedly popping o if
someone should try to lift the amplier by its front panel.
CAN-Bus Classé’sControllerAreaNetwork,orCAN-Bus,opensthewaytoanewlevel
of interaction between our Delta range of ampliers, preamps, processors
and source components.
creating a “global” network that delivers system wide status information and
shared operational features, all through the touchscreen display.
features CAN-BuswillallowaDeltaorCTseriestouchscreento:
• Displaystatusinformationforeveryconnectedunit,including
ampliers which do not have a touchscreen display.
• Createa“PlayLink”thatallowsanSSPorPreamptoautomatically
switch to the correct input when a Delta series source component
starts playback.
• Adjusttheglobalsystembrightness.
• Conguretheentiresystemtogoinandoutofstandbyatthe
touch of a button and also bring individual components in and
out of standby.
• Muteanyconnectedunit.
hardware setup 1 Classé Delta or CT Series Products
which must have a touchscreen display.
2 Category 5 Network Cables
ese are ordinary network cables, commonly used for broadband Internet
connections. ey should be typical “straight through” cables not the “crossed
over” type, and the total required will be one less than the total number of
3 CAN-Bus Terminator
chain. One is
hey are also
available free of charge from your nearest Classé Customer Support Centre
4 SSP-300 & 600 CAN-Bus Interface Box
Systems that include an SSP-600 or SSP-300 will also require an
available free of charge
from your nearest Classé Customer Support Centre