Your Definitive Technology subwoofer has been designed to operate
at frequencies generally below 150 Hz. Because low-frequency infor-
mation in this range essentially is non-directional, your subwoofer can
be located anywhere in your listening room that is most convenient.
Also, the continuously variable low pass filter operates at a very fast
roll-off, ensuring great performance wherever you place your subwoofer.
There are, however, some general rules that you should bear in mind
when locating your subwoofer:
1. For maximum output the subwoofer should be placed in a corner or
against the wall.
2. Corner placement will increase the subwoofer’s efficiency, which in
turn will increase your system’
s maximum output and improve the
dynamic capability of the subwoofer.
3. While one Definitive Technology subwoofer will always sound great,
the use of two subwoofers will definitely enhance your system’
performance by providing a smoother and more consistent response
pattern. Here, it is recommended that you locate the subwoofers on
the same side of the room as the main speaker of the same channel
(if you are feeding them discrete left and right channel signals).
4. When using the ProSub with Definitive ProMonitors, consult the
roMonitor instruction manual for other placement tips.
Subwoofer Placement
4 9
Low Level LFE Connections
Most new model receivers, preamps and decoders feature a mono
(line level) output intended to be used with subwoofers. This is the
simplest connection method to use. You can feed the mono or LFE
subwoofer output of your receiver or decoder to the LFE low level
input on the subwoofer and achieve full performance.
Usually, if your
receiver or decoder already has a built-in low pass crossover, you should
turn the low pass control on your ProSub to 150. Also, these subwoofer
outputs tend to have less gain than main line level outputs, thus the gain
control on your subwoofer may need to be adjusted accordingly for
proper balance. Use the LFE input on the subwoofer to hook the sub-
woofer up to the LFE (low frequency effects) output on Dolby Digital
decoders, receivers, etc.
Wiring Diagrams
current going to it will reactivate itself with a pop when AC current is
restored, which is normal.
Please note that after the cessation of a signal, it may take up to an
hour for the amplifier to actually turn off from active to standby mode.
In some instances, because of RF presence in your area, the red LEDs may
not turn off. However, this is nothing to be concerned about as the amplifiers
draw almost no power when they are idling.
When using the ProSub with Definitive ProMonitors, please consult
your ProMonitor instruction manual for specific information regarding
hookup, wiring and placement.
Setting the Level and Crossover Frequency When Using
the Pr
oSub with ProMonitors
When you have the ProMonitors wired to the speaker level outputs
on your ProSub, the following are our suggestions for starting settings
on your controls. Remember, these are just approximate settings and we
suggest experimenting to determine the best-sounding settings for your
particular set-up.
Set the variable low pass crossover control on
the back of the ProSub to approximately 2
o’clock. Please note that the exact frequency
will depend on many factors including specific
positions of the speakers in the room, so you
might experiment with a slightly higher or
lower setting to achieve ideal blending
between the sub and the satellites for your
particular set-up. Listen to a wide variety of
music to determine the correct setting for this
in your system.
Set the subwoofer level control to 12 o’clock.
Please note that the exact level depends on
many factors including your room size,
position of the speakers, etc. as well as your
personal listening taste, so you might
experiment with the subwoofer level while
listening to a wide variety of music until you
achieve the ideal setting for your system.
Using the ProSub with Definitive ProMonitors