©2008 Diamond Audio Technologies. All rights reserved.
• Hard Annodized Aluminum Cone
• Rubber Surround
• High Density Proprietary Composite Frame
• Flat Progressive Spider
• Inductively Controlled Motor Design
• Rubber Boot Magnet Protector
• Model Specic Crossovers
Your new D6 speaker system has the unique ability to
be used as either a component or a coaxial speaker.
Depending on your installation requirements, the tweeter
can be installed separately or mounted directly to the
midbass/midrange unit with the supplied kit. This
provides for the most installation exibility possible.
See the drawing below for more details.
Step 2 - Unscrew Phase Plug
Twist phase plug in a counter-
clockwise direction.
Step 1 - Remove Boot
Carefully remove the rubber
boot from the magnet.
Step 3 - Assemble Tweeter Post
Carefully feed the tweeter wires through
the holes and snap tweeter into place on
top of the post .Secure with screw.
Step 4 - Attach Tweeter
Carefully feed the tweeter wires through
the post and through the magnet.
Step 5 - Attach Tweeter Wires
Attach the tweeter wires to their
proper terminals.
Step 6 - Carefully Replace Boot
Carefully replace the motor boot to
cover and protect the tweeter wires.
Firmly grasp the
tweeter post and turn
to unlock until you
feel a “click”.
After you feel the “click” of
the tweeter post unlocking,
carefully pull the post straight
up from the cone.
Removing the Tweeter