Front Panel
The front panel has tile Standard buttons listed below. When tile disk tray is open, push the end of the tray to cloSe it.
1= Standby
=Bno 2= Source select
3. Volume up
4. Volume down
5= Previous (Arrow down in menuS)
6= Next (Arrow up in menus)
7. Play/pause (Enter in menus)
8. Load (Eject)
The DVD Receiver is equipped with a VFD display which indicates the current ongoing activities.
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1. Indicates the selection of the disk being played
2. Indicates the track, chapter or program being played
3. Indicates the status on the source or the media playing
4. Indicates the type of media being played
The receiverisdelivered with astandard remote controL All the player's functions can be performed from it.
1. Standby
2. DVD Selector
3. Radio Selector
4. Video or Auxilian Selector
5. 7V Selector
6. UpArro_
7. Left ArrowJRewind
8. Pla'. Pause Enter
9. Right ArrowlFast Forwarc
10. Down Arrow
11. Previous TracklCha pterlProgra m
13= Next TracklChapterlProgram
14. Menu
15. Ust
16. SetuD
17. Info
18. Mute
19. Sound Mode
20. LoadlEjecl
21. Volume -
22. Volume -
Certain functions will onlv work if suo-
_-- --_ oorted b_ the media.
Putting the batteries m the remo_e