Precision Power PC3.65C Car Stereo System User Manual

Sonic Goals
Everybody loves great sounding music. Some audiophiles
live for it while others, not so much. Some people feel that
certain speakers are better suited for Jazz, while others seem
more at home with rock-n-roll. They’re right…
Every speaker has a distinctive sound. Sometimes it’s due to
the cone or dome material. Sometimes it is the magic within
the motor structure. There are hundreds of speaker manu-
facturers worldwide catering to all types of audio. Each has
their own theories on what materials are best, what parame-
ters work best for certain applications, etc. There are still
some very old speakers still in existence and they still sound
phenomenal. But as technology changes, new and exciting
products can be fabricated.
Whether you’ve chosen the 2-way or 3-way set, you will ex-
perience the pleasure of pure, uncolored music reproduction.
difference from 24” to 12”! This alone will make a huge differ-
ence in the center stage.
In this 2nd picture you can see why door speakers do not yield
an ear-level stage height… DUH!!! It doesn’t take a Rocket
Scientist to realize the issue here.