Specications and external appearance are subject to change without notice.
Printed in China
This owner’s manual explains the basic instructions for operating this unit. Some DVDs are produced in a manner
that allows specic or limited operation during playback. Therefore, this unit may not respond to all operating
commands. THIS IS NOT A DEFECT. Please refer to the instructions accompanying the specic DVD in question for
more information about the options available on that DVD.
” may appear on the screen during operation. A “ ” means that the desired operation is not permitted by the
unit or disc.
Playing a Disc
Playing a Disc
1. Slide the STANDBY / ON switch on the top of the unit to the ON position. (Slide the ON/OFF switch on the monitor to the
ON position.) See Customizing the Function Settings before proceeding to step 2.
2. Press the
OPEN button and hold the front panel to unfold it, and press the DVD door switch on the mid cabinet to open
the disc door.
3. Hold the disc by its edge and gently push it onto the spindle, with the label side facing toward you, until you hear a “click”.
4. Push the disc door gently to close it. It takes a short while for your unit to load the disc. After loading, for most DVDs, the
unit will automatically take you main menu or start playing. If the unit does not automatically start playing the DVD, press
PLAY button.
Pausing Playback (Still Mode)
Press the PAUSE button. To resume normal playback, press the PLAY button.
Each time you press the
PAUSE button, the picture advances one frame on a DVD.
Stopping Playback
Press the STOP button at the location where you want to interrupt playback. To resume playback at the position where the
disc was stopped, press the
PLAY button.
If you press the
STOP button twice, the unit’s memory will be cleared and pressing the PLAY button will reset the disc to
the beginning.
Display Function
While the disc is playing, press the DISPLAY button repeatedly to display
information on operation status.
Angle Selection
Some DVDs contain scenes which have been shot from a number of dierent angles. For these discs, the same scene can be
viewed from each of these dierent angles.
1. While you are playing a DVD with dierent angles recorded, press the ANGLE
button to view the number of current angles available.
2. Press the ANGLE button repeatedly to change the scene to the next recorded
• Afterapprox.twoseconds,playbackwillcontinuefromthenewangleyou
• Ifnobuttonispressedwithin10seconds,playbackcontinueswithout
changing the current angle.
• Thisfunctioncanonlybeusedfordiscsonwhichscenesshotfrommultipleangleshavebeenrecorded.
• Ifonlyoneangleisrecorded,“
” is displayed.
Fast Forward / Fast Reverse
Press the SEARCH
or SEARCH button when a disc is playing. Each time you press the SEARCH or
SEARCH button, the playback speed changes in the following sequence:
2. Press the
PLAY button when you reach the desired point to resume normal playback.
• TheDVDplayermutessoundandsubtitlesduringreverseandforwardscanofDVDs.
• Thefastplaybackspeedmaydierdependingonthedisc.
Skip (Forward / Reverse)
• Pressthe NEXT button to advance titles/chapters/tracks.
• Pressthe
PREV button to go back to current or previous titles/chapters/tracks.
• ForAudioCDs,usethenumberbuttonsontheremotecontroltojumpdirectlytothedesiredtrack.
Audio Selection
On some DVDs, the sound is recorded in two or more formats.
While a disc is playing, press the AUDIO button to show the current audio format
2. Press the AUDIO button repeatedly to select the desired audio format.
• IfonlyoneaudioformatisrecordedontheDVD,thenumberdoesnotchange.
• SomeDVDsallowyoutochangeaudioselectionsusingthediscmenuonly.Ifthisisthecase,presstheMENUbuttonand
choose the appropriate language on the disc menu.
• Youcanselectdierentaudiochannels(Stereo,LeftorRight)onanAudioCDbypressingtheAUDIO button repeatedly.
Subtitle Selection
1. While a DVD is playing, press the SUBTITLE button to display the current language setting, as shown
in the example.
2. Press the SUBTITLE button repeatedly to select the desired subtitle language. You can turn subtitles
o by pressing the SUBTITLE button repeatedly until the “
” is displayed.
Some DVDs are set to display subtitles automatically, and you cannot turn them o even if you set the subtitle function to o.
• Duringsomescenes,thesubtitlesmaynotappearimmediatelyafteryouselectyourdesiredscene.
• Thenumberofsubtitlelanguagesrecordeddiersdependingonthedisc.Ifonlyonelanguageisrecorded,thelanguage
does not change.
• Thisfunctioncanonlybeusedfordiscsonwhichsubtitleshavebeenrecordedinmultiplelanguages.
• SomeDVDsallowyoutochangesubtitlesusingthediscmenuonly.Ifthisisthecase,presstheMENUbuttonandchoose
the appropriate subtitle on the disc menu.
Locating a Specic Title
If a DVD contains title numbers, you can locate a specic title by directly selecting its title number.
1. Press the GOTO button.
2. Press the corresponding number button(s) for the title you want.
3. Press the ENTER button to conrm. Playback starts from the selected section.
Locating a Specic Chapter
If you know the chapter number for the chapter that you want to play, you can locate it by directly selecting that number.
1. Press the GOTO button.
2. Press the
or button to display Chapter and press the corresponding number
button(s) for the chapter you want.
3. Press the ENTER button to conrm. Playback starts from the selected section.
Locating a Specic Time
You can move to a specic location by entering its corresponding time (hours, minutes, seconds).
1. Press the GOTO button.
2. Press the
or button to display Time and press the corresponding number buttons
for the setting point you want.
3. Press the ENTER button to conrm. Playback starts from the selected section.
• IfthenumbersyouenteredisnotpermittedbytheDVD,afteryoupresstheENTER button, it will restore to - - : - - : - -. You
should re-enter correct numbers.
• Somediscsmaynotrespondtothisprocess.
• Somescenesmaynotbelocatedaspreciselyasyouspecied.
• ThismethodforaccessingspeciclocationsisavailableonlywithinthecurrenttitleoftheDVD.
Locating a Desired Section
DVD Programmable Memory
Customizing the Function Settings
Troubleshooting Guide
• Ensurethecarpoweradapterisconnected.
• Makesurethattheunitisturnedon.
• Makesuretheinfraredremotesensorisnotblocked.
• Makesuretheplasticsheethasbeenremovedfromtheremotecontrol.
• Pointtheremotedirectlyattheinfraredremotesensorontheunit.
• Replacethebatteryintheremotecontrolwithanewone.
• Useremotecontrolneartheunit.
• MakesureONmodewasselected.
• Makesurethesystemisnotpaused.Pressthe PLAY button.
• Theunitisinfast-forwardorfast-reversemode.Pressthe PLAY button.
• MakesuretheAUDIO/VIDEOoutputandinputconnectionsarecorrect.
• TheDTSDVDcannotbedecodedtohavespeakeroutput.
• Theunitistoohot;shutotheunitfor30minutestocoolitdown.
• Thevolumecontrolislocatedonthesideoftheunit–pleasetryadjustingthis.
• Theregionnumberofthediscdoesn'tmatchtheregionnumberofthisunit.
• TheDVDisdirty.Gentlycleanthedisc.
• Thediscisscratched.
• AdjusttheLCD'sbrightness,contrastandcolorusingtheVIDEO MODE button on the remote
• Theplugsandjacksaredirty.Wipethemwithaclothslightlymoistenedwithalcohol.
• Cleanthedisc.
• Thereisnodiscinside(“NoDisc”appearsonthescreen).
• Insertthedisccorrectlywiththeplaybacksidefacingtowardsyou.
• Cleanthedisc.
• Anon-NTSCdischasbeeninserted.Theunitanddiscregionnumberareincompatible.
• Condensationmayhaveformedinsidetheunitduetoasuddenchangeintemperature.Wait
about an hour for it to clear and try again.
• Pressthe button located on the front of the DVD player.
No power.
The remote control does
not function.
No sound or only a very
low-level sound is heard.
No picture
The picture is not clear.
Severe hum or noise is
The disc does not play.
The picture is up-side-
Cleaning the Disc
A defective or soiled disc inserted into the unit can cause sound to drop out during playback. Handle the disc by holding its
inner and outer edges.
• DoNOTtouchthesurfaceoftheunlabeledsideofthedisc.
• DoNOTstickpaperortapeonthesurface.
• DoNOTexposethedisctodirectsunlightorexcessiveheat.
• Cleanthediscbeforeplayback.Wipethediscfromthecenteroutwardwithacleaningcloth.
• NEVERusesolventssuchasbenzineoralcoholtocleanthedisc.
• DoNOTuseirregularshapeddiscs(example:heartshaped,octagonal,etc.).Theymaycausemalfunctions.
Cleaning the Unit
• Besuretoturntheunitoanddisconnectthecarpoweradapterbeforemaintainingtheunit.
• Wipetheunitwithadrysoftcloth.Ifthesurfacesareextremelydirty,wipecleanwithacloththathasbeendippedina
weak soap-and-water solution and wrung out thoroughly, then wipe with a dry cloth.
• Neverusealcohol,benzine,thinner,cleaninguidorotherchemicals.DoNOTusecompressedairtoremovedust.
Important Note
• Beforetransportingtheunit,removeanydiscfromthedisccompartment.
You can combine your favorite titles/chapters and play them in the order you determine.
1. In stop mode, press the MEMORY button, the following display appears.
2. Select the items in the order you want by pressing the number buttons.Each time you
press the Cursor buttons (
, , , ), the space is highlighted. Highlight where you
want to enter, then press the corresponding number buttons.
3. Press the Cursor buttons (
, , , ) to move the highlighted bar to Play Memory, then
press the ENTER button. The DVD player starts memory playback.
4. To resume normal playback from memory playback
a) Press the MEMORY button in stop mode.
b) Press the Cursor buttons (
, , , ) to move the highlighted bar to “Clear All”, then press the ENTER button. All the
input programs will be cleared.
c) Press the
PLAY button to resume normal playback.
• IfthetitleorchapternumbersyouenteredisnotpermittedbytheDVD,afteryoupresstheENTERbutton,itwillrestoreto---.
You should re-enter correct numbers.
• Somediscsmaynotpermitmemoryplaybackoperation.
• Ifyouselectrepeatduringmemoryplayback,theDVDplayerrepeatsthecurrentmemoryplayback.
• IfyoupresstheMEMORYbuttonwhilethedisplayappearsontheTVscreen,thedisplaydisappears.
• TheprogrammedselectionswillbeclearedwhenyouopenthedisctrayorturnotheDVDplayer.
Repeating a Single Track
1. While the CD disc is playing, press the REPEAT DISC button until the “
” indicator displays on the screen.
The current track is played repeatedly.
Repeating a Whole Disc
2. While the CD disc is playing, press the REPEAT DISC button until the “
” indicator displays on the screen. The
whole disc is played repeatedly.
To Resume Normal Playback
3. Press the REPEAT DISC button until the “
” indicator displays on the screen.
Repeating a Specic Section
1. While the disc is playing, press the REPEAT A-B button at the beginning of the section (“
” is displayed) you want
to play repeatedly.
2. Press the REPEAT A-B button again at the end of the section (“
” is displayed) you want to play repeatedly.
3. The unit will immediately begin replaying your selection.
To Resume Normal Playback
4. While the disc is playing, press the REPEAT A-B button until the “
” indicator displays on the screen.
• SomediscsmaynotpermitA-Brepeatoperation.
• YoucannotsettheA-Brepeatfunctionforasegmentthatincludesmultiplecameraangles.
• Youcanspecifyasegmentonlywithinthecurrenttitleortrack.
There may be a slight dierence between point A and the location where playback actually resumes depending on the disc.
Viewing JPG Files
This unit can play JPG les recorded on a CD-R or CD-ROM disc (CD-RW is not recommendable).
1. Open the disc door.
2. Hold a JPG le disc by its edge and gently push it onto the spindle with the
label side facing toward you until you hear a “click”.
3. Close the disc door. A list of folders/les will appear on the screen.
4. Press the
or button to select your desired le. The selected picture will
appear at the lower right corner. Press the
PLAY button to start playback.
Press the
STOP button to display a folder list.
• Youcanpressthe
PAUSE button to freeze the picture. Press the PLAY
button to resume picture slide show.
• Youcanpressthe
STOP button to quit playback.
• Youcanpressthe
PREV or NEXT button to change the picture.
• YoucanpresstheANGLE button on the remote control to rotate direction of the picture by 90°.
• Somediscsmaynotpermitthisoperation.
AVC MULTIMEDIA (“AVC”) makes the following limited warranty. This limited warranty extends to the original consumer purchaser and is
limited to non-commercial use of the product.
One Year Parts & Labor Warranty
AVC products purchased in the United States are warranted to be free from defects in materials or workmanship for a period of one year from
the date of their original retail purchase. If the unit fails to conform to this warranty, we will service the product using new or refurbished parts
and products, at AV C ’s sole discretion.
During a period of one year from the eective warranty date, AVC will provide, when needed, service labor to repair a manufacturing defect
at its designated Service Center. To obtain warranty service in the United States, you must rst call our Customer Support Center at 1-800-
506-5746 or 1-877-252-6873, during the hours listed in the box below. The determination of service will be made by AVC Customer
Support. PLEASE DO NOT RETURN YOUR UNIT TO AVC WITHOUT PRIOR AUTHORIZATION. New or remanufactured replacements for
defective parts or products will be used for repairs by AVC at its designated Service Center for one year from the eective warranty date. Such
replacement parts or products are warranted for an additional one year from the date of repair or replacement. The Customer will be required
to ship the unit to the Service Center indicated at the time Customer Support is contacted to make the necessary repairs. The customer is
responsible for all transportation charges to the service facility.
Packaging and Shipping Instruction
When you send the product to the AVC service facility you must use the original carton box and packing material or an equivalent as
designated by AVC.
Your Responsibility
(1) You must retain the original sale receipt to provide proof of purchase.
(2) These warranties are eective only if the product is purchased and operated in the U.S.A. or Canada.
(3) Warranties extend only to defects in material or workmanship, and do not extend to any product or parts which have been lost or
discarded, or damage to product or parts caused by misuse, accident, improper operation or maintenance, or use in violation of
instructions provided with the product, or to product which has been altered or modied without authorization of AVC, or to products or
parts thereof which have had the serial number removed or changed.
Out of Warranty
In the event your product requires repair after the limited warranty period has expired, please contact our Customer Support Center at
1-800-506-5746, 1-877-252-6873 or
Hours: Monday–Thursday: 9am–7pm, Friday: 9am–5pm, Saturday: 9am–NOON Eastern time.
Important: You are responsible for any transportation, shipping or insurance relative to the return of product to our Product Returns
All warranties implied by state law, including the implied warranties of merchantability and tness for a particular purpose, are expressly
limited to the duration of the limited warranties set forth above. With the exception of any warranties implied by state law as hereby limited,
the foregoing warranty is exclusive and in lieu of all other warranties, guarantees, agreements and similar obligations of manufacturer or seller
with respect to the repair or replacement of any parts. In no event shall AVC be liable for consequential or incidental damages.
No person, agent, distributor, dealer or company is authorized to change, modify or extend the terms of these warranties in any manner
whatsoever. The time within action must be commenced to enforce any obligation of AVC arising under the warranty or under any statute, or
law of the United States or any state thereof, is hereby limited to one year from the date of purchase. This limitation does not apply to implied
warranties arising under state law.
This warranty gives you specic legal rights and you may also have other rights, which may vary, from state to state. Some states do not allow
limitation on how long an implied warranty lasts, when an action may be brought, or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential
damages, so the above provisions may not apply to you.
For more information on other products and services, please visit our web site at
Important: Also keep your “Bill of Sale” as proof of purchase.
Model no. ......................................................................................................................Product name .................................................................................................................
Type of set ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Serial no. ........................................................................................................................Invoice no. .......................................................................................................................
Date purchased ...........................................................................................................Dealer name ...................................................................................................................
Installing in a Vehicle
Unit Operation
Using the Stand for Desktop Use
F. Using Headphones/Earphones
Turn down the volume before connecting the
headphones/earphones. Slowly raise the volume
with the headphones on until you reach your desired
volume. When headphones are connected, the speaker
is automatically disabled.
Excessive sound pressure from earphones and
headphones can cause hearing loss. Avoid listening to
sound at excessive levels which could be harmful to
your ears.
Headphones / Earphones
[1/8” (3.5mm) diameter plug]
left side
DVD player
right side
Mounting in the Vehicle
Use the supplied mounting straps to install the DVD player and monitor on the back of the vehicle's headrests. Tightly wrap
the mounting strap around the headrest.
Turning on the Unit
1. Slide the STANDBY / ON switch on the DVD player to the
ON position. Slide the ON / OFF switch on the monitor
to the ON position.
2. The start-up picture will appear on the screens.
3. After use, slide the STANDBY / ON switch on the DVD
player to STANDBY (power o). Slide the ON / OFF
switch on the monitor to the OFF position.
• Thisunitshouldneverbeusedbythevehicle'sdriverorleftunsecuredinthevehiclewhiledriving.
• Ifthisunitisbeingusedinyourvehicle,besurethatitissecuredorheldsafely,anddoesnotobstructanysafetydevice,
including air bags or seat belts.
• Allpassengersshouldwearseatbeltswhenusingthisunitinamovingvehicle.
• Ifindoubt,pleasecontactyourvehiclemanufacturerforfurtheradvice.
Mounting the DVD Player
Mounting the Monitor
Installation Guide
You can stand the DVD player and monitor up on a desk or
table following the instructions described as below:
For DVD player: Press the
OPEN button on the top of
For monitor: Flips the stand on the back of the monitor
shown as the following illustration.
E - 7 E - 8E - 6 E - 9
Elapsed Time: Elapsed time from the beginning of the title
which is currently playing.
Remain Time: Remaining time of the title which is currently
Adjust the LCD Screen
You can adjust Brightness, Contrast, Color or View Mode of the LCD screen.
1. Press the VIDEO MODE button.
2. Press the
or button to select Brightness, Contrast, Color or View Mode.
3. Press the or button to change the setting. (For View Mode, press the ENTER button to change the setting).
4. Press the VIDEO MODE button to exit the menu.
Note: For the monitor, you can adjust the LCD screen by the BRIGHTNESS control, COLOR control and Screen (16:9 / 4:3) switch
on the monitor.
OSD (On Screen Display) Language
1. Press the SETUP button in stop mode.
2. Press the
button to select OSD Language.
3. Press the ENTER button, then the
or button to shift and change the
4. Press the ENTER button.
5. Press the SETUP button or RETURN button to exit the menu.
Aspect Ratio
1. Press the SETUP button in stop mode.
2. Press the
or button to select Video.
3. Press the button, then the or button to select Aspect Ratio.
4. Press the ENTER button, then the or button to shift and change the aspect
5. Press the ENTER button.
6. Press the SETUP button or RETURN button to exit the menu.
Fill: Fill the screen with decoded image.
Original: Display image as its original size.
Auto Fit: Automatically t the decoded image on screen without distortion.
Black bars will be present on top/bottom or left/right of screen.
Pan Scan: Select when a standard 4:3 TV is connected. Displays pictures cropped to ll your TV screen. Sides of the picture are cut o.
Note: Depending on the DVD, you may not be able to view the mode as selected.
Repeat Playback
You can play a specic title or chapter repeatedly. (Title repeat, chapter repeat, A-B repeat)
Repeating a Chapter
1. While the DVD is playing, press the REPEAT DISC button until the “ ” indicator displays on the screen. The
current chapter is played repeatedly.
Repeating a Title
2. While the DVD is playing, press the REPEAT DISC button until the “ ” indicator displays on the screen. The
current title is played repeatedly.
To Resume Normal Playback
3. While the DVD is playing, press the REPEAT DISC button until the “
” indicator displays on the screen.
1. Press the SETUP button in stop mode.
2. Press the
button, then the or button to select Subtitle.
3. Press the ENTER button, then the
or button to shift and change the Language.
4. Press the ENTER button.
5. Press the SETUP button or RETURN button to exit the menu.
• SomeDVDsmaybesettodisplaysubtitlesinadierentlanguageotherthantheonesyouselected.Apriorsubtitlelanguage
may be programmed on the disc.
• SomeDVDsallowyoutochangesubtitleselectionsusingthediscmenuonly.Ifthisisthecase,presstheMENUbuttonand
choose the appropriate subtitle language from the selection on the disc menu.
Follow the steps mentioned in the “Subtitle“ section to set up the desired audio language.
Note: Some DVDs may not be played in the language you selected. A prior language may be programmed on the disc.
DVD Menu
Follow the steps mentioned in the “Subtitle“ section to set up the desired DVD menu language.
Note: Some DVDs may not include your pre-selected language. In this case, the DVD player automatically displays disc menus
consistent with the disc’s initial language setting.
• ThedisplayablepicturesizeispresetontheDVD.Therefore,theplaybackpictureofsomeDVDsmaynotconformtothe
picture size you select.
• WhenyouplayDVDsrecordedinthe4:3picturesizeonly,theplaybackpicturealwaysappearsinthe4:3picturesize
regardless of the Aspect Ratio setting.
• Select16:9toconformtotheLCDscreenontheunit.AlwaysbesurethatyourAspectRatioconformstotheactualTVinuse
if you connect the unit to a TV.
View Mode
1. Press the SETUP button in stop mode.
2. Press the
or button to select Video.
3. Press the button, then the or button to select View Mode.
4. Press the ENTER button, then the or button to shift and change the View Mode.
5. Press the ENTER button.
6. Press the SETUP button or RETURN button to exit the menu.
Use Default Settings
1. Press the SETUP button in stop mode.
2. Press the
or button to select Misc.
3. Press the
button, then press the or button to select “Use Default
Settings” dialogue box.
4. Press the ENTER button, then press the
or button to select “Yes”. Press the
ENTER button and the original setting will be restored. The unit will exit the
default setting menu automatically and re-load the disc in the disc tray.
Note: It will take 3-5 seconds to reset the DVD player to the factory default.
Screen Saver
1. Press the SETUP button in stop mode.
2. Press the
or button to select Misc.
3. Press the button, then press the or button to select Screen Saver.
4. Press the ENTER button, then press the or button to change the On/O
5. Press the ENTER button.
6. Press the SETUP button or RETURN button to exit the menu.
Title Chapter
DVD Player Monitor
Press here to open