RACKCONS1908 Car Video System User Manual

Instruction Manual
Manual Scan
Left Ctrl + Left Ctrl
+ F2
Use the up and down arrow keys to
scroll to the previous or next computer
in the sequence. Press any other key to
abort manual scan.
Adjust keyboard
typematic rate
Left Ctrl + Left Ctrl
+ F4
Scrolls between the dierent typematic
rates. This setting overrides that of
the BIOS and the operating system.
The console will generate one to four
beeps, corresponding to 10, 15, 20,
and 30 characters/sec respectively, to
signify the typematic rate.
Change Conguration while Running
A device (a computer or a KVM switch) at any ‘PC x’ port can be changed at anytime
after initial power-up. If you change any one of the PC 1 to PC 8 ports connection
from a computer to a Slave or vice versa, or replace the devices of a port, the OSD will
update this change the next time it is activated.
Please Note: Any new device must be turned o before it is connected to the Master.