4 - SHIFT functions
"# $ % &' ( ) * + , - . / _ and the space
To change between uppercase and lowercase alpha-
betical characters, use the CAPS key. The word
CAPS appears at the bottom left of the display when
the “caps lock” is on.
The INS/+ and DEL/- keys are used to insert a space
immediately following the cursor position, and to
delete the character at the cursor position,
Since the title can be longer than the display can
show at one time, the first characters of the title are
shown, and the rest is then scrolled from right to left.
4.8.2Writing the title to tape
Locate the tape to a point following the end of the
START ID which will be associated with the title that
has just been entered.
Press EDIT until the display shows:
Press ENTER, and the tape will start moving back
until before the start of the previous START ID, and
then start recording the characters. The words
CHAR WRT will flash in the display while
recording is taking place.
4.8.3Checking a title
When replaying a tape on which titles have been
recorded, the boxed word CHAR appears under the
seconds field at the bottom of the display as soon as
the first title is read from tape.
Use the CHAR key to display the last title which has
been read from tape. While the title is displayed, all
other tape counter numerals are replaced by the char-
acters in the title. The title will scroll across the dis-
play if it is too long to fit in the display.
4.8.4Deleting a title
Locate the tape to a little past the point where the title
is recorded on tape.
Use the ID SELECT key to select the CHAR
ERASE mode (4.4.1, "Selecting an ID mode").
Press ENTER. The display will show
ER-CH, and
the tape will rewind to a little before the point where
the title has been recorded.
The title will then the erased. The words CHAR
ERASE will flash in the display while the title is
actually being erased.
4.8.5Copying and pasting a title
The title which was last been read from tape can be
copied and used as the basis for new titles. This can
be useful if you are producing a lot of programs with
similar titles (different mixes or takes of the same
piece, for instance).
Once the title which will be copied has been read
from tape (the CHAR indicator in the display must
be lit), press EDIT until the display shows:
Press the MEMO 2 key to recall and paste the last
title into the editing area. The title may then be edited
and written to tape in the usual way.
Char ?
Char ?