Boundary Routing and
NetView Service Point
When configuring NetView Service Point in a Boundary Routing environment, note
that the SSCP-PU session actually flows over LLC2 rather than DLSw, even though
the -SNA PortDef parameter is defined as DLSw. As a result, the session does not
show up as a DLSw circuit.
Compression must use the same configuration at both ends of the connection. If
one side of a connection is configured as per-packet and the other is configured as
history, the PPP link does not come up.
Configuring BSC
and NCPs
When connecting a NETBuilder bridge/router to an Network Control Program
(NCP) for a BSC configuration, be careful when disabling the 3780/2780 EP lines.
If you try to pull the cable out, the NCP may go into a state that will require the
NCP to be rebooted. Check with your IBM service representative for additional
Default Change
The default value of the -SYS CONNectUsage parameter is High for NETBuilder
bridge/routers with a DPE module. The default value of CONNectUsage for all
other platforms is Low. This difference simplifies DLSw configurations.
When the DPE module is used in a non-DLSw configuration, a small amount of
memory is allocated (226 K of approximately 12 MB). Non-DLSw configurations in
very large networks running OSPF and BGP may require that the CONNectUsage
parameter be changed to Low to recapture this 226 K of memory. For all other
configurations, this additional small memory allocation should have no effect.
DLSw Circuit Balancing Circuit balancing does not work properly if WAN links are set to different speeds.
For circuit balancing to work properly, you must have WAN links of the same
speed. If the WAN links are different speeds, for example, T1 and 64 K, the
bridge/router with circuit balancing learns the route from the T1 link before
learning the route from the 64 K link. All circuits are directed to the DLSw tunnel
on the T1 link instead of being distributed on both 64 K and T1 DLSw tunnels.
Only after alternate routes are in the circuit-balancing router cache will
subsequent session establishment be balanced.
DLSw Prioritization The FLush -SYS STATistics command does not flush DLSw priority statistics. You
must use the FLush -DLSw PRioritySTATistics command.
Disaster Recovery on
Ports Without Leased
The Port Service DialControl parameter controls port attributes for a dial-up port in
the event the bandwidth set for a leased line drops below what has been set as
the normal bandwidth. Setting this parameter to DisasterRecovery for a port
without leased lines prevents port idle out.
DTR Modems DTR modems should not be configured as a dynamic path and a dial pool.
Firmware Configuration To select BootP as your Address Discovery protocol, you must set all five IP address
options to None.
Firmware Update The bridge/router updates firmware as part of its software boot process. In some
cases, some text is displayed during the firmware upgrade process, which appears
similar to the following:
>>>>updating firmware boot bank A
>>>>famd_blk_erase: block addr less than 512K: 0x10000
>>>>famd_blk_erase: block addr less than 512K: 0x20000
>>>>Firmware boot bank update is complete.