This chapter provides an overview of IPX routing, including:
■ What part IPX plays in the NetWare environment
■ How IPX works
■ What elements are necessary for IPX routers to transmit packets effectively
IPX Routing in
the NetWare
The NetWare® network operating system was developed and introduced to
the market by Novell, Inc. in the early 1980s. Much of the NetWare
networking technology was derived from Xerox Network System (XNS)
, a
networking system developed by Xerox Corporation.
The NetWare operating system is based on a client/server architecture
where clients request certain services from servers such as file access and
printer access. As a network operating system environment, the NetWare
operating system specifies the upper five layers of the OSI reference model.
It provides file and printer sharing and supports various applications such as
electronic mail and database access.
Figure 6-1 illustrates a simplified view of NetWare’s better-known protocols
and their relationship to the OSI reference model.