The Power LED is Off. If the power LED is off, verify that:
■ The power switch of the router is turned on.
■ The power supply switch is turned on.
■ The power cord of the router is connected properly.
■ The power supply suits the requirement of the router.
CAUTION: Do not plug in or unplug the power cord when the power is on. After
having checked the conditions in the previous list, if the power LED is still off,
contact your Service representative.
Nothing is Displayed
on the Terminal after
After the system runs the power-on self-test (POST), if the system operates
normally, the start-up information is displayed on the console terminal. If the
configuration system has a fault, the terminal may display nothing.
If the terminal does not display any information after the POST, verify that:
■ The power system is operating normally.
■ The console cable is connected correctly.
If the power system is normal and the console cable is connected properly, there
may be something wrong with the console cable or the HyperTerminal
parameters. Check the cable or the parameters.
HyperTerminal parameters should have the following values:
■ Baud — 9600
■ Data bits — 8
■ Stop bit — 1
■ Parity — None
■ Flow control — None
■ Terminal emulation — VT100
If the parameter settings do not match these values, reconfigure them.
If the previous checks do not solve the problem, contact your Service
representative and follow the representative’s instructions.