system display
system display
Generates a system configuration display that includes software and
hardware revision numbers, module status information, and warning
messages for certain system conditions.
Valid Minimum Abbreviation
sy d
Important Consideration
A message appears in the display if any module fails a diagnostic test
at start-up.
Fields in the System Display
You configure the system parameters for the CoreBuilder
9000 system
through the Enterprise Management Engine (EME). See the
CoreBuilder 9000 Enterprise Management Engine User Guide
for a
complete list and detailed explanation of the CoreBuilder 9000 system
Field Description
Diagnostics Whether a module has passed or failed diagnostics
Memory size (AP, FP,
Flash, and Buffer)
Memory capacities of the system processors
POV Power on verification
SysBoot Boot software revision
ExtDiags Extended diagnostics version number
Part number Each module’s 3Com part identification number
Product number Each module’s 3Com 3C product identification number
Rev Unique number assigned to the hardware build by 3Com
Serial number Each module’s unique serial number
Slot number Slot position of each hardware module
System ID Unique number that is assigned to the system by 3Com
System name 64-character (maximum) user-defined alphanumeric name
that uniquely identifies the system on your network
System up time Time since the last system reboot
Time in service Total operational time since the system was manufactured
Type of module Type of physical ports
Version, build date, and
System software version number, and date and time
when the software was built