Changing the Configuration Fields 3-7
Press [Enter] to save the new setting and return to the
configuration screen.
UPS Unit ID (ID)
To change the UPS Unit ID field type
followed by a space and
the “name of the UPS unit“ that you are currently configuring. You
must use quotes to enclose the UPS unit name. You can enter up
to 16 characters to identify the UPS unit.
Press [Enter] to save the new setting and return to the
configuration screen.
Get-community name (CG)
To change the community name, type
followed by a space and
the community name. This command changes the community
name hat the SNMP manager can use when performing a get
operation, but not set operations.
Type up to 16 alphanumeric characters to specify the
get-community name. This field is case-sensitive and cannot
contain blanks.
Make sure the get-community name is different than the
set-community name to avoid conflicts with set operations.
Press [Enter] to save the new setting and return to the
configuration screen.
2 The high-sets level restricts sets and commands to those hosts that
appear in the host table; any SNMP manager with the correct
get-community name may request data.
3 The high level is the most secure. Only those hosts who appear in the
host table and users with the correct community name can receive data
or send commands.