Setup Using Windows NT RAS 3-19
6 Click Add.
The Add Port dialog box appears.
7 Select a COM port, and then click OK.
The Remote Access Setup message box appears.
8 Click Cancel.
The Configure Port dialog box appears.
9 Select 3ComImpact IQ for baud rates up to 115.2 Kbps or
select 3ComImpact IQ 230K for baud rates up to 230.4
Kbps and then specify the port usage. Click OK.
The Remote Access Setup dialog box appears.
10 Click Continue.
11 Click OK to exit the Network Settings dialog box.
The Network Settings Change alert box appears.
12 Click Restart Now.
Once your computer has rebooted, you are ready to use the
3C882 ISDN modem.
Go to Chapter 5, “Advanced Configuration,” to review the
default settings and ensure that they reflect your preferences.
If you prefer not to change the default settings, go on to
Chapter 6, “Placing and Receiving Calls.”