
Setting Up Additional Service Providers 63
Under Miscellaneous, indicate whether or not you would like to use data
compression when transferring data by selecting the appropriate radio button.
Under Miscellaneous, leave the default, NAT enabled, unless you are certain you
want to disable it. With NAT enabled, the ISDN LAN Modem translates IP
addresses between the computers on the LAN and the ISP, allowing all LAN users
access to a single ISP. Only disable NAT when static IP addresses are provided by
your ISP for users on the LAN.
Under Miscellaneous, if the private network to which you want to connect does
not assign a dynamic IP address and wants you to use a static IP address, enter the
IP address and the subnet mask in the WAN link fields. Otherwise, leave these
fields empty.
For Allow Automatic Call Initiation, leave the default setting which is
If you select
, you will have to manually launch a call to this service provider
every time you want to connect. You may want to set this field to
if your calls
are being connected unintentionally as a result of packets generated by your
For Enable Intelligent NAT, leave the default setting, which is
in order for the
LAN Modem to better support Internet applications and games.
The ISDN LAN Modem delivers all unsolicited TCP/UDP packets to the workstation
that is currently communicating with the remote host that has generated these
packets. If you set this field to
, all unsolicited TCP/UDP packets are delivered to
the default workstation.
In the Default Workstation for Incoming Packets field, specify the workstation to
which all unsolicited TCP/UDP packets should be delivered.
Note that if the Enable Intelligent NAT field is set to
, the ISDN LAN Modem
first attempts to deliver the unsolicited TCP/UDP packets to the workstation that is
currently communicating with the remote host that has generated these packets.
Only if no such workstation is found are the packets delivered to the specified
default workstation.
If you would like to configure a connection to another remote office, repeat steps
1 through 18. You can configure up to four remote destinations
If you want to password protect the configuration profile of the ISDN LAN
Modem, refer to “Locking and Unlocking the Configuration.
Associating Service
Providers with
Workstations on the
Once you have configured the service providers to which you would like to
connect, they will be associated with all (up to 25) of the workstations on your
LAN by default. You can change these associations if desired. For example, if only
one workstation on the LAN should have Internet access, you can associate that
ISP connection with one workstation exclusively. This will prevent all other users on
the LAN from accessing the Internet from their computers. You can change these
associations from the Workstation Parameters window which provides the
following information for each workstation:
This field contains the name of the workstation you selected. If you
have Macintosh computers on your LAN, the name does not automatically
appear in the Name field. You should enter the name for the Macintosh in the
Name field.