c Click on Apply.
6 Click Security on the 802.11a/b/g radio from the left frame page Menu.
7 Make sure the following settings are set from the Security page:
a Authentication is set to Open System.
b Encryption is Enabled.
c WPA Configuration is Checked to “Allow only WPA Clients”.
d Cipher Mode is set to AES/TKIP/WEP (WEP Cipher Mode is intended ONLY
for support of legacy clients. If only WPA clients are on the network, choose
AES or TKIP for increased security).
e WEP Configuration has at least one valid WEP key (select the appropriate key
length, key type, and key index).
f WPA Key Management select WPA Pre-shared Key (PSK) and Key Type.
gEnter the WPA PSK
h Click on Apply.
8 The Access Point is now configured for WPA Pre-shared Key.
The following table shows how to configure the access point to support the various
authentication and encryption options available for Windows XP Wireless Zero
The following notes apply to configuring the access point for WPA under Windows
n A WPA-capable wireless network interface card is required.
n The Windows XP Support Patch for Wireless Protected Access, which you can
download from the Microsoft Web site, is required.
n To allow WEP clients, clear the WPA Configuration Required check box and enter
an appropriate WEP key.
n For all WPA configurations, 802.1x must be enabled on the Authentication page.
Windows XP Wireless Zero
Configuration Access Points 8200/8250/8500/8700/8750
Authentication Encryption Authentication Encryption Other
Open Disabled Open System Disable
WEP Open System Enable Enter static keys under
WEP Configuration