RMON Configuration Commands 397
display rmon prialarm Syntax
display rmon prialarm [ prialarm-table-entry ]
All views
prialarm-table-entry: entry of extended alarm table.
Use the display rmon prialarm command to display information about
extended alarm table.
Related command: rmon prialarm.
Display alarm information about extended RMON.
<SW4500>display rmon prialarm
Prialarm table 1 owned by 3Com is VALID.
Samples absolute value : .
Sampling interval : 10(sec)
Rising threshold : 1000(linked with event 1)
Falling threshold : 100(linked with event 1)
When startup enables : risingOrFallingAlarm
This entry will exist : forever.
Latest value : 0
Table 43 Output description of the display rmon history command
Field Description
History control table Index number in history control table
3COM Owner
VALID The entry corresponding to the index is valid
Samples interface The sampled interface
Sampling interval Sampling interval
buckets Records in history control table
dropevents Dropping packet events
octets Sent/received octets in sampling time
packets Packets sent/received in sampling time
broadcastpackets Number of broadcast packets
multicastpackets Number of multicast packets
CRC alignment errors Number of CRC error packets
undersized Number of undersized packets
oversized packets Number of oversized packets
fragments Number of undersized and CRC error packets
jabbers Number of oversized and CRC error packets
collisions Number of collision packets
utilization Utilization