Logging in Commands 19
auto-execute command Syntax
auto-execute command text
undo auto-execute command
User Interface View
text: Specifies the command to be run automatically.
Enter auto-execute command text to configure the Switch to automatically run a
specified command. When the user logs in, the command will be executed
automatically. This command is usually used to configure the
telnet command on
the terminal, which will connect the user to a designated device automatically.
Enter undo auto-execute command to cancel the auto-execute command so the
command is not run automatically.
By default, auto-execute is disabled.
CAUTION: If you execute this command, the user-interface can no longer be used
to perform routine configurations on the local system. Ensure that you can log in
to the system in some other way to cancel the configuration, before you configure
auto-execute command and save the configuration.
To configure the Switch to automatically Telnet to device after the
user logs in via VTY 0, enter the following command:
System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z.
[4500]user-interface vty 0
[4500-ui-vty0]auto-execute command telnet
command-privilege level Syntax
command-privilege level level view view command
undo command-privilege view view command
System View
level: Enter the command level you want to assign to this command, ranging
from 0 to 3.
view: Enter the name of the view that contains the command. This can be any of
the views supported by the Switch.
command: Enter the command to be configured.