NTP Configuration Commands 405
display ntp-service
display ntp-service status
Any view
Use the display ntp-service status command to display the status of NTP
# View the status of the local NTP service.
<SW4500> display ntp-service status
Clock status: unsynchronized
Clock stratum: 16
Reference clock ID: none
Nominal frequency: 100.0000 Hz
Actual frequency: 100.0000 Hz
Clock precision: 2^17
Clock offset: 0.0000 ms
Root delay: 0.00 ms
Root dispersion: 0.00 ms
Peer dispersion: 0.00 ms
Reference time: 00:00:00.000 UTC Jan 1 1900(00000000.00000000)
disper Maximum offset of the local clock relative to the reference clock
Table 46 Description on the fields of the display ntp-service sessions command
Table 47 Description on fields of the display ntp-service status command
Field Description
Clock status Status of the local clock
Clock stratum Stratum of the local clock
Reference clock ID Address of the remote server or ID of the reference clock
after the local system is synchronized to a remote NTP
server or a reference clock
Nominal frequency Nominal frequency of the local clock
Actual frequency Actual frequency of the local clock
Clock precision Precision of the local clock
Clock offset Offset of the local clock relative to the NTP server
Root delay Roundtrip delay between the local clock and the primary
reference clock
Root dispersion Maximum dispersion of the local clock relative to the
primary reference clock
Peer dispersion Maximum dispersion of the remote NTP server