3Com Router 5000 and Router 6000 Family Release Notes v2.41 • Page 20
checking when upgrading. This option applies only once when selected. When the router is
rebooted, version checking is restored.
• Exit and reboot.
Exit the Boot ROM menu and reboot the router.
Note: The Boot menu appears only when you press <Ctrl+B> within 3 seconds after the
message “Press Ctrl-B to enter Boot Menu…” appears. If you wish to enter the Boot Menu after
the program begins uncompressing, you must to reboot the router.
4.3 Upgrading Software Using Xmodem
You can use the console port to upgrade the software using Xmodem without the need to set
up a network environment.
4.3.1 Upgrading the application image
1 Enter the Boot Menu (refer to the “Upgrading with FTP” on page 18) and enter <1> to
download an application image using Xmodem. The router supports the following
downloading speeds:
Please choose your download speed:
1: 9600 bps
2: 19200 bps
3: 38400 bps
4: 57600 bps
5: 115200 bps
6: Exit to Main Menu
Enter your choice(1-6):
2 Select an option, 5 for 115200 bps for example. The following appears:
Download speed is 115200 bps. Change the terminal's speed to 115200 bps,
and select XModem protocol. Press ENTER key when ready.
3 Change your terminal’s baud rate to the same baud rate for software download (115200
bps in this example). After that, select [Dial-in/Disconnect] to disconnect the terminal, and
[Dial-in/Dialing] to reconnect it. Then, press <Enter> to start downloading. The system
Please Select Program File
Downloading ... CCCCC
Note: The new baud rate takes effect only after you reconnect the terminal emulation
4 Select [Transfer/Send File] in the terminal window. The following dialog box pops up: