Applicable Products
Configuration Procedure
■ Perform FTP service-related configurations on the PC, that is, create a user
account on the FTP server with the username switch and password hello. For
detailed configuration, refer to the configuration instruction of the FTP server
■ Configure the switch
# Assign IP address to VLAN-interface 1. (You can log in to the switch
through the Console port. For detailed information, see “Logging in through the
Console Port” in the Configuration Guide for your product.)
<3Com> system-view
[3Com] interface Vlan-interface 1
[3Com-Vlan-interface1] ip address 16
[3Com-Vlan-interface1] return
# Connect to the FTP server using the ftp command in user view. You need to
provide the username and password to log in to the FTP server.
<3Com> ftp
# Switch data transfer mode to binary.
[ftp] binary
You are recommended to set the transfer mode to binary before performing data
transfer operation, so as to ensure that the device can receive data normally.
# Browse to the authorized directory on the FTP server, upload configuration file
config.cfg to the FTP server, and download the file named switch.bin. Then,
terminate the FTP connection and return to user view.
Before downloading a file, use the dir command to check that the remaining
space of the Flash memory is enough for the file to be downloaded.
[ftp] cd switch
[ftp] put config.cfg
[ftp] get switch.bin
[ftp] quit
# Use the boot boot-loader command to specify the downloaded file as the
application for next startup and then restart the switch. Thus the switch
application is upgraded.
Product series Software version Hardware version
Switch 5500 Release V03.02.04 All versions
Switch 5500G Release V03.02.04 All versions
Switch 4500 Release V03.03.00 All versions
Switch 4210 Release V03.01.00 All versions