
Upgrading the Software 87
Board self testing...........................
The board is steady
SlotNo of this board is 6
The MCX is exist
BootRom main system CRC check is OK
82559 register testing is OK
EPLD1 testing is OK
EPLD2 testing is OK
16c2552 register testing is OK
Please check LEDs......................LED testing finished
The switch Mac address is 00e0.fc00.1111
Press Ctrl+B to enter Boot Menu... 5
Password :
1 Press <Ctrl+B> as prompted to display the system Password : prompt.
To enter the Boot menu, you must press <Ctrl+B> within five seconds after the
appearance of the “Press Ctrl-B to enter Boot menu...” prompt. Otherwise, the
program decompression process begins. To access the Boot menu after the switch
enters the program decompression process, you need to restart the switch.
2 Enter the Boot ROM password (the switch’s default is no password). The Boot
menu displays as follows:
CAUTION: Make sure you have Boot ROM password.
1. Boot with default mode
2. Boot from Flash
3. Boot from HardDisk
4. Enter serial submenu
5. Enter ethernet submenu
6. Modify Flash description area
7. Modify bootrom password
0. Reboot
Enter your choice(0-7):
3 Ensure that the upgraded host program is compatible with the existing I/O
module’s Boot ROM program. Otherwise, you must upgrade it during a host
program upgrade.
4 When loading the host program through the Boot menu, configure the serial
interface’s attributes as shown in
Figure 62. Otherwise, the Hyper Terminal does
not respond.