Page 21
CP-1 Digital Audio Environment Processor
The Programs:
The procedures for naming a new version of the program (SET PROGRAM
NAME) and storing it in one of the User registers (MEMORIZE PROGRAM)
are described on page 29.
Set Program Name/
Memorize Program
The use of the CALIBRATE mode is described in the setup instructions
beginning on page 11.
REAR ROLLOFF sets the frequency above which the rear-channel sound is
attenuated. It should be high enough to give presence and airiness to the
rear sound but not so high as to place distracting instrumental overtones or
other sounds behind you. The appropriate setting will vary with program
Rear Rolloff
REAR DELAY adjusts the amount of time between the appearance of a
signal in the front channels and its emergence from the rear. Generally, the
correct delay is about 16 milliseconds but the setting depends on speaker
set-up and source material. In general, the delay should not be so great that
the rear sound becomes identifiable as a distinct source.
Rear Delay
REAR LEVEL adjusts the loudness of the signals sent to the rear channels.
Rear Level
LF WIDTH controls the amount of low-frequency spatial correction that is
applied to the signal. A positive value of LF WIDTH means the difference
(left minus right channel) signal has additional energy below 500 Hz, while
the sum (left plus right) signal has correspondingly less. (Negative settings
can compensate for recordings with too much of this property.) LF WIDTH
can add needed spaciousness and warmth to classical recordings made with
coincident or near-coincident miking. (See Chapter 5: Theory and Design.)
LF Width
EFFECT LEVEL sets the amount of crosstalk cancellation, and thus the
apparent front width. It is the most important user adjustment to Panorama,
and has been given its own button on the remote. When EFFECT LEVEL is
all the way down, Input Balance, LF Width and the rear outputs are still
Effect Level
INPUT BALANCE compensates for the occasional source with audible
channel imbalance. It is especially important when using Panorama for
movies. If the movie sound tracks are unbalanced, the dialog will wander
away from the center; adjusting the Input Balance corrects for this.
Input Balance
LISTENER POS and SPEAKER ANGLE are determined using the calibra-
tion procedure on page 10. The resulting value for Listener Position should
then be used for the Panorama sections of Ambience and Reverb.
Listener Position/
Speaker Angle