
6 Visitor and Community Network Access Concentrator Installation Guide
System Overview
The Visitor and Community Network provides fast Internet connectivity
and fast corporate access to end-users of up to 10 Mbps full duplex, over
an existing cabling infrastructure and supports all Plain Old Telephone
Services (POTS).
The Visitor and Community Network System serves the following
Multiple Dwelling Units (MDU)
MDUs include apartment houses and hotels.
The customers that benefit include tenants and hotel guests who
receive Internet services and use e-mail over much more
convenient connections than currently possible. Business travelers
can access corporate intranets at faster speeds. IT service providers
and hotel operators can expand end-user services (video, virtual
gaming, etc.) in conjunction with billing services without forfeiting
POTS revenues. NSPs and ISPs benefit by expanding service
boundaries to E-commerce and local network applications.
Multiple Tenant Units (MTU)
MTUs comprise mainly office complexes.
In MTU application existing LAN infrastructure can be extended to
4 kilo feet to locations currently lacking LAN cabling through the
Visitor and Community Network system.
VCN Access
The function of the VCN AC is to combine data and analog voice in the
direction of the VCN APs (VCN Access Point) and to split voice and data in
the direction from the VCN APs. Analog voice (telephone) is routed to the
analog PBX. Data is transferred to the Ethernet Switch. The VCN AC
allows simultaneous transfer of voice and data, up to 10 Mbps, on each
telephone extension line.
The VCN AC works with the SuperStack II Switch 1100 and 3300.
Figure 1 and Figure 2 show the VCN AC LED indicators and connectors
on the front and back panels.