Figure 4-14 OT/PPP Modem Control Panel
4 Choose the port to which your modem is attached from
the Connect via pop up menu. Then select the appropriate
modem script file from the Modem menu that best
matches your dial up criteria.
For example, if your ISP accepts connections at 64Kbps, and
your computer’s COM port can handle speeds up to 115K,
then you would choose the 3ComImpact™ IQ-64k-115K
modem script.
NOTE: Users of Apple’s System 7.6 or later must move the
3ComImpact IQ Modem Script files into a separate folder in
order to access them from the OT/PPP Modem control panel.
These CCL scripts were placed in your Extensions folder
(located in the System folder) during installation of the
3ComImpact IQ ISDN modem software. If you are using
System 7.6 or later, drag these modem script files from the
Extensions folder into the Modem Scripts folder (also located
in the Extensions folder). Then select the appropriate script
from the Modem menu.
5 Close the Modem control panel by choosing File and Close.
This returns you to the PPP control panel, as shown in .