Using the Labels 3-7
Using the Labels
A sheet of four labels is supplied with the hub. Some labels have
already been attached to the hub.
The labels on the bottom of the hub show:
The product number, serial number and MAC (Ethernet) address of
the hub.
The safety approvals to which the hub conforms.
The labels on the rear of the hub show:
The product number of the hub.
The power safety information.
The four labels left on the sheet are for you to use as necessary.
Depending on how you are going to position the hub, you may want
to stick the labels in a more accessible place; on the top or on the front
of the hub, for example. All four labels have the name, product
number, serial number and MAC (Ethernet) address of the hub printed
on them.
Do not stick the labels over any of the vents on the sides of
the hub.