2-12 Installing the PathBuilder S21x Switch Hardware
Installing or Removing the Lithium Battery
Installing or Removing the Lithium Battery
This section explains how to replace the real time battery. The PathBuilder S21x
switch uses a lithium battery on the motherboard to maintain the node’s real-time
clock. The battery is not used to store the configuration memory.
You need to install a battery under the following conditions:
• before the battery runs down
Only qualified service personnel should perform the procedure described in this
section. If the battery is installed incorrectly, it could explode after the PathBuilder
S200 series switch product is powered up, damaging the unit.
Seules des personnes qualifiées peuvent mettre en pratique les procédures décrites
dans cette section. Si la batterie n’est pas correctement installée, elle risque
d’exploser après la mise en marche du produit PathBuilder S200 series switch et
d’endommager l’unité.
Die in diesem Abschnitt aufgeführten Vorgänge sollten ausschließlich von
qualifiziertem Servicepersonal durchgeführt werden. Wenn die Batterie
unsachgemäß installiert wird, kann sie nach dem Einschalten des PathBuilder S200
Series Switch-Produkts explodieren und das Gerät beschädigen.
After installing the battery, set the PathBuilder S21x switch’s date and time. This
is done via the CTP in the Update System Parameter menu.
Battery Type
Replace the lithium battery with lithium coin cell type CR2032 only. These can be
obtained where watch batteries are sold.
Battery Disposal
Dispose of the battery in compliance with applicable local regulations.
Routine Battery
The lithium battery should be replaced every two years. Follow the instructions in
Figure 2-6 to replace the battery.