Dual T1/PRI Status Displays
Unavailable Secs
The DS1 is determined to be unavailable. All other counters will
stop. Any layer 1 condition or 10 consecutive SES events will lead
to DS1 unavailability. Ten consecutive non-SESs (no alarm
condition) will clear the unavailability.
Bipolar Violations
This indicates bipolar violations (BPV) in the line format being used.
A BPV occurs when two consecutive non-zero elements of the
same polarity occur in an alternate mark inversion (AMI) signal.
Framing Bit Errors
This indicates an error in the framing bit used to determine frame
alignment. The framing bit error count is reported.
Change in Frame Alignment (CFA)
This indicates that a receiver has reframed on a new framing
pattern, and synchronized at a new frame alignment due to an
OOF condition. The status report indicates whether or not a CFA
occurred. A counter records the number of times a CFA occurred
since the latest counter reset.
Controlled Slip Secs (Frame Slips)
These are caused either by frames deleted due to buffer overflow
(BOF) or frames repeated due to buffer underflow (BUF). The status
report indicates whether or not a BOF or BUF condition occurred.
A counter records the number of times a condition occurred since
the latest counter reset.
Severely Err Framing Secs (SEFS)
Any second with an OOF or AIS condition is counted as an SEFS.
Bursty Errored Seconds
This occurs in ESF format only. It reports CRC error conditions in
CRC Errors
This occurs only in ESF format when a CRC bit is in error. The CRC
error count is reported.