Enabling Bridged Extensions 109
The primary phone user can make calls on a bridged line. The secondary
phone user can answer calls that are made to the primary phone’s
extension but cannot make calls using the buttons that are associated
with the primary telephone. (In fact, the buttons on the secondary phone
associated with the primary phone function as speed dial buttons to the
primary phone.) Both users can use VCX features to manage bridged
calls. For example, bridged calls can be transferred, put on hold, or
forwarded to voice mail. However, because multiple phones are involved,
you should note the considerations discussed in Bridged Line Interaction
with Other Features.
When an extension is bridged, SA buttons (4 or 5) access buttons and
status lights on the secondary phone are associated with the Bridged
System Appearance (BSA) access buttons and status lights on the primary
phone. Lights on each phone indicate the state of each bridged line:
■ If the light is off, the bridged line is available for use on the primary
■ If the light is on, the bridged line is in use by either a primary phone
user or a secondary phone user.
■ If the light is blinking quickly, the bridged line is ringing on all primary
and secondary phones.
■ If the light is blinking slowly on both phones, the line has been put on
hold by either the primary phone user or a secondary phone user. This
indicates a shared hold state. The line can be picked up by any phone
mapped to this bridged line.
Both primary and secondary users can be logged in to multiple phones.
For example, an administrative assistant (secondary user) can be logged in
to four phones and monitor a manager from any phone as long as all the
secondary phones are configured with the same extension. Or, a manager
may be logged in to multiple phones and monitored by an assistant
logged in to one or more phones. In any case, the total number of logged
in primary and secondary phones cannot exceed five.
For the current release, the primary and secondary phone (or phones)
must be located on the same site.
Your administrator can also set up bridged extensions. In this case, fields
on your Bridge Permissions and the Button Mappings tabbed pages
have preassigned values.