Using the Web Interface 31
b Select the Greeting from the Greeting Number drop-down list.
c Select the month, day, and year for the greeting to begin from the
Month, Day, and Year drop-down lists.
d You can set the Start Time and End Time for any day of the year
starting from today’s date through the next 4
e Click Add New.
Notification The Notification option enables you to set the medium that the system
will use to notify users when messages are deposited into or retrieved
from their mailboxes. IP Messaging supports many notification methods,
including NBX MWI (Message Waiting Indication) Voice, E-mail, Socket
Connection (SIP Notify), Auto-Forward and Pager notification methods.
You must perform three general steps to set up a notification method:
1 Create a notification filter.
2 Create a notification procedure by assigning a filter to a notification
3 Enable a notification schedule for a filter, which automatically assigns the
schedule to any method that uses the filter.
These tasks are described in the next three sections.
The three Notification options appear on the Mailbox Options menu only
if your administrator has enabled notification for your mailbox.
Create a Notification Filter
To create a Notification Filter:
1 From the Main menu, click Notification Filters.
The Notification Filter screen appears.