
Upgrading VCX Server Software from 7.0 to 7.1 87
Upgrading VCX
Server Software
from 7.0 to 7.1
This section describes the procedures required to upgrade a system
running VCX server software version 7.0 to VCX server software
version 7.1.These procedures upgrade the VCX system to an operational
state and assumes the VCX system was operational prior to the upgrade
EMS does not allow individual component upgrades without first
installing a new version for switchover. However, individual component
upgrades can be performed without first installing a new version for
switchover through the CLI interface.
These instructions can also be used for upgrading from version 7.1x to
This section assumes the VCX system is successfully operating at version
7.0.7c before you perform the upgrade. If your system is running an
earlier version of VCX 7.0 software (or VCX 6.0 software), you must
upgrade to 7.0.7c before upgrading to version 7.1. See V
iewing Installed
Versions of VCX for instructions on verifying the version of VCX installed
on your system. See Upgrading a Multiple Site Configuration from 6.0.x
to 7.0 for instructions on upgrading from 6.0 to 7.0.
This section covers the following configurations and/or components that
can be upgraded using EMS:
Upgrading a Multiple Site Configuration from 7.0 to 7.1
Upgrading the VCX IP Telephony Software from 7.0 to 7.1
Installing IP Messaging Software Patch Release
Installing SIP Phone Downloader and Boot File Software Patch
The components in a multi-site VCX system can be set up in many
possible configurations. The procedures in this section describe
upgrading a multi-site VCX system that includes two regions (Region 1
and Region 2) with multiple branch offices in each region. For instructions
on upgrading a VCX system with other configurations (such as single-site
systems with two or four servers, or multi-site systems with no branch
offices), see the VCX Maintenance Guide.