
Using the Command Line Interface
The command prompts for the following information to configure an
SNMP v3 user:
- user-name - A user-defined string for the SNMP user. (32 characters
- group-name - The name of the SNMP group to which the user is
assigned (32 characters maximum). There are three pre-defined groups:
RO, RWAuth, or RWPriv.
- auth-proto - The authentication type used for user authentication: md5
or none.
-auth-passphrase - The user password required when authentication is
used (8 – 32 characters).
- priv-proto - The encryption type used for SNMP data encryption: des or
- priv-passphrase - The user password required when data encryption is
used (8 – 32 characters).
Users must be assigned to groups that have the same security levels. If a
user who has “AuthPriv” security (uses authentication and encryption) is
assigned to a read-only (RO) group, the user will not be able to access the
database. An AuthPriv user must be assigned to the RWPriv group with the
AuthPriv security level.
To configure a user for the RWAuth group, you must include the
auth-proto and auth-passphrase keywords.
To configure a user for the RWPriv group, you must include the
auth-proto, auth-passphrase, priv-proto, and priv-passphrase keywords.
snmp-server targets
This command configures SNMP v3 notification targets. Use the no form to
delete an SNMP v3 target.
Outdoor 11a Building to Building(config)#snmp-server user
User Name<1-32> :chris
Group Name<1-32> :RWPriv
Passphrase<8-32>:a good secret
Privacy(des,<cr>none) :des
Passphrase<8-32>:a very good secret
Outdoor 11a Building to Building(config)#