3Com Mobility System Software (MSS) supports the standard and
extended RADIUS authentication and accounting attributes listed in
Table 55 on page 652. Also supported are 3Com vendor-specific
attributes (VSAs), listed in Table 56 on page 659.
Attributes An attribute is sent to RADIUS accounting only if the table listing it shows
Yes or Optional in the column marked Sent in Accounting-Request for the
attribute and the attribute is applied to the client’s session configuration.
Attribute values have the following characteristics unless otherwise
Strings can contain a maximum of 253 characters.
Integers are 4 bytes.
IP addresses are 4 bytes.
The RADIUS attributes MSS supports are based on these IETF RFCs and
RFC 2865, Remote Authentication Dial-in User Service (RADIUS)
RFC 2866, RADIUS Accounting
RFC 2868, RADIUS Attributes for Tunnel Protocol Support
RFC 2869, RADIUS Extensions
draft-congdon-radius-8021x-29.txt (IEEE 802.1X RADIUS Usage