EES4710BD 10 Slots L2/L3/L4 Chassis Switch
Switch(Config-If-Vlan1)#ip ospf priority 0 ip ospf retransmit-interval
Command: ip ospf retransmit-interval <time>
no ip ospf retransmit-interval
Function: Sets the interval for retransmission of link-state advertisement among neighbor layer 3
switches; the “no ip ospf retransmit” command restores the default setting.
Parameters: <time> is the interval of link-state status advertisement retransmission to a neighbor
layer 3 switch in seconds, ranging from 1 to 65535.
Default: The default retransmission interval is 5 seconds.
Command mode: Interface Mode
Usage Guide: When a layer 3 switch transfers link-state advertisement to its neighbor, it keeps
advertising until an acknowledgement is received from the other end If no acknowledge packet is
received within the interval set, it will resend the link-state advertisement. The retransmission
interval must be greater than the time for a packet to travel to a layer 3 switch and return.
Example: Setting the re-authentication time of LSA for interface vlan1 to 10 seconds.
Switch(Config-If-Vlan1)#ip ospf retransmit 10 ip ospf transmit-delay
Command: ip ospf tranmsit-delay <time>
no ip ospf transmit-delay
Function: Sets the delay time before sending link-state advertisement (LSA); the “no ip ospf
transmit-delay” command restores the default setting.
Parameters: <time> is the delay time for the link-state advertisement transmission in seconds,
ranging from 1 to 65535.
Default: The default LSA sending interval is 1 second.
Command mode: Interface Mode
Usage Guide: LSA aging occurs on the local layer 3 switch but not during network transmission,
therefore, adding a delay of transmit-delay allows the LSA to be sent before it is aged.
Example: Setting the delay time for interface vlan1 to send LSA to 2 seconds.
Switch(Config-If-Vlan1)#ip ospf transmit-delay 2 network
Command: network <network> <mask> area <area_id> [ advertise | notadvertise ]
no network <network> <mask> area <area_id>
Function: Specifies the area of each network in the layer 3 switch; the “no network <network>
<mask> area <area_id>” command deletes the setting.