
Pairing Apple TV with the ARi3G Remote
1. Choose Settings from the Apple TV
main menu.
2. Choose PairRemoteControl.
When you’ve successfully paired your
Apple Remote, Apple TV displays a
chainlink symbol above a picture of a
remote. Apple TV now works only with the
paired remote. NOTE: The ARi3G remote
has the same pairing code for all remotes.
The ARi3G remote does not support dual
key press pairing.
Unpairing Apple TV and the ARi3G Remote
1. Use the same remote as the Apple TV
was paired with.
2. Choose Settings from the Apple TV
main menu.
3. Choose UnpairRemote.
NOTE: If you’ve lost the paired remote,
refer to the AppleTV troubleshooting
guide. You will need to use the original
remote to unpair.
When you’ve successfully unpaired the
remote, Apple TV displays a broken
chainlink symbol above a picture of a
remote. You can now pair Apple TV with a
new remote.