Y1-03-0146E 7
1. Light Leakage Test
With the IR filter in its operation position (See Figure 3), turn the switch
ON and observe that no light is transmitted through the sides of the
case or the flashguard shield. Turn switch OFF. No light leakage is
allowed in the IR mode. If necessary, replace the flashguard shield
assembly and repeat the test. If a new flashguard shield fails to remedy
the problem, the light is to be condemned and discarded in accordance
with local procedures.
2. Flash Rate Test
a. Initial
A ten minute MANUAL flash rate test is a one-time requirement for all
new MS-2000(M) lights received from supply stock. This test is required
for initial acceptance of the light and is conducted to insure that the light
is capable of sustained operations.
Select the white light function (See Figure 2), turn the switch to ON and
observe that the strobe lamp flashes. Allow the light to flash for nine (9)
minutes, and then manually count the flash rate of the strobe during the
final one minute of the test. This rate should be 50 ± 10 flashes. It is
not necessary to directly observe the light flashes during this evaluation.
This inspection should be performed in a dark room or enclosure.
If any light fails to meet the 50 ± 10 flash rate requirements, check the
batteries and, if necessary, replace both batteries and repeat the test.
Additionally, the battery contacts in the battery well should be checked
and, if necessary, cleaned with a small brush. Hold vertical while using
brush so that any debris falls out of the light. Repeat the test again. If
battery replacements or cleaning contacts fail to correct the problem,
discard the light in accordance with local procedures.
b. Periodic
Normally this test is accomplished in conjunction with other life support
survival kit/vest test requirements and/or as required by specific
MAJCOM directives. This test may be accomplished MANUALLY or
AUTOMATICALLY by using the TS-23/A Strobe Light Tester.
If the test is to be conducted MANUALLY, follow the test procedures as
outlined in paragraph 2a above, except limit the test duration to two (2)
minutes. Again, a flash rate of 50 ± 10 flashes per minute is the
acceptable test rate.
If using the TS23/A Strobe Light Tester for this inspection, the light can
be tested in the TS-23/A with the IR filter in place, by placing the
lens/filter over the inspection window on the TS-23 face label and then