
Gravimetric Batch Blenders w/Mitsubishi Control Chapter 4: Operation 61
Save Running Recipe to the Book
The save current recipe to book function allows the operator to save the contents of the
current recipe to the recipe book under a desired number.
Upon selecting this function, the operator will be prompted for a reference recipe number.
This may be any number from 1 to 50.
The assigned recipe number will be used for all further references to this recipe until deleted.
The operator should be familiar with the recipe numbers used. We suggest keeping a loose-
leaf notebook with 50 tabbed pages as a reference to what is kept in the blender so this can be
the standard for all blenders in the plant, etc. To save a running recipe to the Recipe Book
perform the following steps:
1. Enter the Recipe Book by touching the Recipe Book icon located on the Recipe
2. Select a stored recipe by changing the number next to “Recipe #.”
3. Touch “Save Running Recipe” and then “Done”.
Load a Saved Recipe from the Book
The load from book function allows the operator to retrieve a previously stored recipe from
the recipe book and install it into the current recipe menu. This will overwrite the current
recipe, so make sure that it has been saved to the book before installing a new recipe in its
place. To load a previously stored recipe from the Recipe Book:
1. Enter the Recipe Book by touching the Recipe Book icon located on the Recipe
2. Select a stored recipe by changing the number next to “Recipe #.”
3. Touch “Load” and then “Done” (this takes you back to the Recipe Screen).
4. Touch “Accept New Recipe” to accept the loaded recipe into the blender.
Note: If replacing the current recipe with one that is downloaded from the
Recipe Book, make sure that the previous recipe has been saved, as it
will be overwritten by the new downloaded recipe.
Display Recipe Contents
The display recipe function is used to verify the contents of a recipe number before it is
loaded from the recipe book. In order to view the desired recipe, the operator must enter the
number which contains the recipe he wishes to view. Once a valid recipe number is entered,
the display will indicate the contents of the stored recipe in percentages.
Erase Recipe or Entire Book
The Erase Recipe or Entire Book function is used to eliminate old or outdated recipes from
the recipe book. If the operator only wants to delete one recipe, the configuration for that
recipe should be currently displayed on the screen. The controller will only prompt the
operator if they want to erase the entire book when that key is pressed. Once a recipe number
is deleted, the contents of that recipe are lost. The recipe number may be used again in the
future for new recipes.