An Acu-Link Internet Bridge is not needed to simply follow a friendʼs
Bridge. For example, if you want your neighbor to be able to follow your
weather, simply have them CREATE AN ACCOUNT of their own. Then give
them your Bridge MAC address and have them follow your bridge.
Acu-Link Tip
Sharing - An Overview
Acu-Link gives you the option of sharing your Acu-Link
Internet Bridge information with friends and also allows
you to publish your weather data to weather underground
(wunderground.com), a popular weather community web
site. We are going to cover following a Friendʼs Bridge
Follow a Friendʼs Bridge
To follow a bridge, click on “Follow my Friendʼs Bridge” in
the drop down menu.
Next, enter in the MAC address of the bridge you wish
to follow. Give the bridge a Nickname to differentiate it
from your own bridge or from other bridges you may be
following. This Nickname is only visible to you and your
Using the Web site
Click to save settings
My Bridge
Dadʼs Bridge
Dadʼs Bridge
The followed Bridge will now
show in “My Sources” list
and you will see sensors and
widgets that are being